Pharmaceutical + 100,000 employees

We reduced test execution time from about three weeks to 5 hours.

1. Situation

A leading company in the pharmaceutical industry. They operate in various healthcare segments, including medicines, and other products such as creams or vitamins, as well as examinations and diagnostics.

Founded in 1896, the company has over 100,000 employees worldwide. Its revenue in 2022 amounted to 82.603 billion euros.

They develop hardware and software for both internal use and to provide services to their customers.

2. Problem

One of the internally used software comprises mobile and web interfaces. It requires the execution of a complete battery of tests every time a release is generated for deployment in production, whether it's scheduled or a hotfix.

The execution time for the complete battery of tests is approximately 3 weeks when the use cases are known in advance. This extended time required reduces the company's ability to respond quickly to new needs in the production environment.

3. Solution

An automation solution in JavaScript was chosen, which could be maintained by any team member.

The technology used for the mobile case is Webdriver.IO, and for the desktop case, Playwright. To control technical debt, linters in the development IDEs and static code analysis tools in the CI/CD server pipelines were included.

Deployments were automated using GitHub tags, reducing their execution time to less than 4 minutes and increasing stability.

4. Result

The execution time of tests was successfully reduced from approximately three weeks to 5 hours.

The system generated a report with all the results and provided a dashboard with all the relevant execution information.

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Dashboard and Reports